Konstantina is always available and very happy to talk and advice about an idea you have about a commission
please contact her at [email protected]
Previous Commissions:
Wedding crowns_sterling silver, white cultured pearls.
"congratulations George and Dora, with love and happiness in this new adventure"
Christening cross, white gold, pink gold details, faceted Amethyst.
''Congratulations on this special day. May it bring with it love and joy''
....Ohh..and good luck!
Safe pin for baby cot, sterling silver, turquoise, pink coral, cultured white pearl, mother of pearl heart,
hematite star and a round amethyst.
"Lucky little girl to have all nature looking after you when you sleep"
Shotgun cartridges cafflings, made from sterling silver and brass
'' Hope you enjoy them! ''
Maching bracelets newborn baby girl and mother,forget me not bangle, sterling silver and gold decorated on the center faceted peridot and on the flowers faceted aquamarines
Konstantina, jewellery design.
176 Strathan, Skerray, By Thurso, KW14 7TJ
Talk ~ 0044 (0)1641521805
Write ~ [email protected]